Better nights
for better days

walnut creek cosmetic dentistry

As an airway centric dentist, Dr. Manohar is very passionate about treating the effects of inadequate airway on our overall systemic health. She takes snoring and OSA very seriously as she can relate to its effects personally and in her close family circle. We offer a specialized treatment for such conditions through a system called VIVOS along with a multidisciplinary approach by collaborating with your sleep physician, ENTs, SLPs and Myo Functional Therapists.

Sleep & Breathing Wellness

Estimates suggest that more than twelve million Americans have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA is a breathing disorder characterized by brief interruptions of breathing during sleep due to a blockage in the airway. Obstructions occur when throat muscles, the tongue, tonsils, or the soft palate relax and cover the airway, preventing breathing. This results in a severe drop in blood oxygen levels throughout the night leading to chronic health problems. Most cases are still undiagnosed, contributing to diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, and traffic accidents related to drowsy driving.

VIVOS system offers a long term; non surgical, non pharmacological solution for restricted airways by using series of removable, flexible FDA approved mouth guards for both kids and adults.

  • Expands (providing room for crowded teeth) 

  • Aligns the jaws (moving the tongue away from the airway)

  • Encourages breathing through the nose


Who is a candidate for VIVOS system?



  • Hate your CPAP

  • Waking up gasping or choking

  • Snoring or mouth breathing

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness


  • Mouth breathing, snoring

  • Chronic allergies or enlarged tonsils/adenoids

  • Bedwetting

  • Behavioral issues or difficulty in school


What happens at the Consult? 

The goal of this initial information gathering appointment is to gain knowledge about your sleep quality and breathing issues. This would include - 3D scan of your airway, Take home sleep test, Comprehensive Head and Neck exam with a focus on airway, Epworth Sleepiness scale, and Overall health history evaluation. If it is determined that you might be a good candidate for VIVOS airway appliance therapy, we will lay out the roadmap for treatment, including expected costs, medical insurance re-imbursement, total time of treatment, etc.



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